Today is QAI's birthday...Dec 03 is when QAI was technically born.
QAI is a teenager, fourteen years old. If we look closely we will find it every bit one. Perhaps, the kind we would like our teenage kids to be.
One that we have ALL, as "parents" of this entity and brand, nurtured so assiduously, closely, personally and emotionally. One where values and prudence have taken priority over expediency and several tempting short-cuts.
QAI is a "trophy child".. which parents so proudly and fondly show off on their in the living room...all the silverware that talks about the child's every achievement in every area it chose to engage in. We can look back and take pride in all that all of us achieved and the foundation that we now stand on. Now the great future beckons.
The teenager is also going through growing pains. Like any teenager this one too now is not an adult neither a child. ....QAI compares itself to the Mckinseys and the KPMGs and beats one good and proper, and yet forgets that they are over 50 years old....and have their strengths. How does one match the success of the past with the teenage fantasies of the future. How can it break through and realize its potential. How well will it do in the large, brutal, but opportunity laden world out there?
We know where are going, are confident and yet seek our identity. One which will surpass even the original vision.
And as several of us in our heady days of youth said "we will change the world". And we are.
How do we let go and have our teenager fly and yet be rooted to the ground?
How do we give it freedom and yet guard it from the dangers that can take it to the wrong path?
We must introspect today and also celebrate.
We "must be careful what we wish since it will surely come true" (Emerson).
Happy wishing.