Monday, March 28, 2005

We all knew. Now we know. Navyug receives “Outstanding Contribution Award for National Development”

I am happy to announce that on behalf of all of us I will be receiving the following ( mail attached) Award at IIT in delhi.

Its an Award we deserve.

Over the last decade, long before the Indian IT Industry was even an industry ( a few organisations makes not an industry), QAI had the Vision for itself and for our Nation, which is so gloriously being played out today.

Thousands of flights and hotel check ins by the QAIites and QAI is seen as having played a seminal role in the success story called "Indian IT". QAI had the patience and QAI had the conviction.

I have witnessed extraordinary work by a league of extra ordinary people at QAI. QAI always had the talent and the talented. From day one. When it was a two room operation, with no power backup, no internet, manual typewriters, hardly a brand, very little money, loads of confidence and plenty of attitude and even more competence. How much QAI and how far India has come since then. And yet the more things have changed the more they have remained the same.

We believed that we would prosper in a prosperous Ecosystem. Building the Indian software ecosystem was therefore not only a matter of national importance it was good strategy. So we went about building a atypical consulting that participates in the building of the industry and not only one that brilliantly and incessantly builds its own organisation.

So QAI the Consulting Organisation also trained, and has already trained about 70,000 people. It evangelized and introduced so many new ideas.

So QAI the Consulting Organisation also organized and brought the Thinkers and Practitioners together in the conferences that it organized, and the Leadership that it recognized through QAI's annual Awards.

So QAI invested and built an online property for the Community called software dioxide, and has now launched a QAI eschool. Building the competencies of a nation of IT professionals.

QAIs Certification programmes have already recognized Individuals and thousands of Indian IT professionals hang a plaque on their walls given by QAI.

QAI then went about showcasing India's best. Over a 100 overseas "gurus" mainly from USA have been hosted by QAI. And its not just The Taj Mahal that we have taken them to...although thats a monument of national pride as well.

I believe when The Story of the Indian IT Industry is written we will have a few prominent leaves in that tome. So many of us have put so much blood, sweat and (yes even) tears into making all this happen, and continue to do so. I thank you for your efforts (and quite unfairly) I get to collect the award. But its on behalf of all of us. And its only the beginning. We have now the Indian BPO industry to make a world beating industry. And the World, lets not forget, the world beckons. Thats a journey that we have already started.

And QAI and all of us will be there and will look back and say " we made a difference".I am convinced we will.